The COVID-19 has become a turning point in the rise of opportunities in the healthcare sector. The nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals have spearheaded their fight against the pandemic and they are actively looking forward to expanding their teams. Their contributions in the ongoing pandemic are rightly glorified and there are multiple reasons as to why one should think about a career in nursing right now.
The profession has high demand
The pandemic has led to the shortage of nurses but this was a problem that has existed for many years. But now there are new opportunities coming and people want to pursue nursing more. With the current shortage, WHO wants to raise the number of nurses by at least 5.9 million to meet the crunch. The demand alone in Canada rose to 30% in 2020. And this has made this profession the most demanding one in 2021.
Job security
A profession in nursing is recession-proof. Hence, there will be a constant demand for the position and there will be long-term job security for every nursing professional. There is a security of income even during times of economic downturns. Even after the pandemic, nursing is termed as one of the 10 financially secured jobs.
Positively impactful
The main reason to choose the profession is that it allows you to help others. It helps you leave a positive impact on society and grow personally as well as professionally. Nurses help and care for patients through constant instruction and examination. The pandemic has only shown us how massively we depend on them for our recovery. They are our unsung heroes who go out of their way to protect our community.
Help lead the telemedicine movement
There has been a leap in the telemedicine movement after the pandemic struck and patients are now taken care of virtually. This was previously a futuristic probability that has now become a possibility. As healthcare is progressing, many believe that the future lies in technology. There might be chances of a huge shift in the roles and responsibilities of the nurses. But when working in the telehealth industry, you can help patients who are unable to attend in-person appointments. You can help them save money on healthcare.
Search for the best nurse jobs in Montreal at Hunt.ca and get connected to the openings that are best suited for you. Start a career in the most demanding industry now.