Everything You Need To About OEE

Everything You Need To About OEE

February 12, 2022

The gold standard for measuring manufacturing productivity is OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness). Simply explained, it determines and helps in calculation with the preferred OEE index and calculator the amount of time spent manufacturing that is genuinely productive in the production with the…

Use payment reminder services from specialized agencies working to collect your due

Use payment reminder services from specialized agencies working to collect your due

November 16, 2021

Different service providers must have experienced delays in getting due payments from various client companies at different times. This is a common phenomenon in the service-providing industry. But now, with expertise and innovation, software developers have come up with payment reminder services…

The Rise of Banking-as-a-Service

The Rise of Banking-as-a-Service

October 8, 2021

The digital financial services industry is only set to grow. Banks and finance companies are traditionally wary about adopting digital technologies and innovations. Banking institutions resisted offering online services for many years, due to concerns about data security and the difficulty of…